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特價 含稅附發票 Rattlebones 骰子馬戲團英文版方舟風雲會益智桌遊實體店正版。人氣店家方舟風雲會的依價格挑選、1501~2000元有最棒的商品。快到日本NO.1的Rakute 售價:1919 我要購買 |
我有去遍尋各大購物網站momo購物、yahoo奇摩購物、博客來、PChome線上購物、ibon mart搜尋優惠價格!現在很多線上購物EC平台都有銷售該商品!希望我整理的資料能對我大家OPRAH有幫助。整理資訊大致有分享文、開箱文、試用文、評鑑文、推薦文、是否便宜、優缺點等資訊.網友也都知道在定價和網路售價會有一定的差距, |
遊戲名稱:Rattlebones 骰子馬戲團 遊戲人數:2~4人 遊戲時間:15-30分鐘 適合年齡:14歲以上 歡迎,孩子們!我的名字叫Rattlebones,你已經被誠摯地邀請到我的美妙的骰子節上度過一天!玩遊戲!贏得獎品!乘坐火車!我會在公園裡徘徊,如果-你是第一個追到我的,你贏了!這不是令人愉快嗎? 骰子馬戲團這款遊戲是個嘗試將「牌庫構築」機制再變化的遊戲。玩家牌庫由3顆骰子代表,原本牌庫構築出牌的動作變成為擲骰,而牌庫構築最重要的核心-購買卡片則變成替換骰子的"面"。打造專屬於你的骰子,也就「骰面構築」! "Welcome, girls and boys. My name is Rattlebones, and you have been cordially invited to spend the day at my Festival of Dice! Play games! Win prizes! Ride the train! I'll be wandering about the park, and if you're the first one to find me, you win! Won't that be delightful?" Rattlebones is a game about transforming dice. You start with standard six-sided dice, and throughout the course of the game you can remove sides and replace them with other sides that let you do all sorts of wonderful things. Every time you score points, you get closer to finding Rattlebones and, er, winning the game. Yes, winning! It's an experience to six-sided-die for! Game Summary Setup - Place the Rattlebones meeple at 55, 60, or 65 VP space (for 2-4 players). Players each get 3 d6 (black, white, gray) -- basic d6 but the '1' is replaced by Rattlebones. - Place random tiles on the empty spaces on the board. Your Turn Roll a die. May spend 1-2 gold to roll an extra 1-2 dice. Then, use each die one at a time: - if Rattlebones shows, move Rattlebones back one space; game ends immediately if it hits a player score marker and most points wins. - if pips or Rattlebones showing, move one of your pawns clockwise that many spaces (RB=1) and use the space you land on. Typically, you may add a die face matching that space to the die you used (replace any face except Rattlebones). - otherwise, take whatever action the face allows (e.g., earn a stock marker or star token, which you may later turn in for VP; earn VP; steal stuff from other people; etc.). |